Rob Moore on Attracting The Right People that Will Propel You To Your Success


A lot has changed in our world. It was a year of gaining knowledge, planning, preparing, gathering and prioritizing. Realizing what’s important to you. 2022, on the other hand, is a year of action. It is a year of building community, and collaborating, and maybe getting a mentor or really learning from someone who’s doing what you would like to do. And following in their footsteps, or asking them if you could learn from them, and talk to them occasionally, or sign up for one of their programs.


2022 is a perfect year for your success. For an effortless success, a type of success that you’ve always wanted but you didn’t know you wanted it. And now you’re going to get clarity on that. Get intentional about what your vision is for success. This is your year to manifest. And if it doesn’t manifest, at least get clear and begin to act towards what it is you’d like to manifest.



When you want to manifest in your relationships, Affirmations can help. May it be a tap in the back or looking at yourself in the mirror and affirming yourself. And, with relationships, affirmation is when you dive deep into loving yourself. When you finally embrace that love for yourself, that love vibrates out beyond your soul, beyond your space, beyond our wildest dreams and whoever needs to feel that love can pick up that sensation and come into your life somehow. So that is a really important step if you are looking to manifest a love relationship.


Feng Shui

Feng Shui can also help in moving from force to flow. Applying Feng Shui in cleaning or decorating your house would allow that excess success to come in. That is a beautiful thing. You can look up that episode. Feng Shui way can help about 20% of the time and the other percent is your intention.


First, in order for you to allow more abundance in your life or health, you may need to heal something that’s a dis ease in your body, to allow more abundance to come in and they can tie in together. So it’s just wonderful to set that intention for all of those areas in your life. And then hold that space for that to manifest in the divine perfect timing.


So then, because the interview went so well, Mark forwarded Charissa’s name to 20 or 30 of his closest friends and they became Charissa’s circle too. Now, there’s an incredible synchronicity of people, journey, and manifestation and that is what Charissa wanted to share. That can be your life too, she said. If that’s what you desire, if that’s what you visualize, if that’s what you want to create. So, this is really your journey, your own Zen success journey.


Charissa is not a practicing Buddhist, but she really does love the philosophy of it. She would say she’s a spiritual person, and she believe in God and the universe. And she believes in whatever it is that you believe is true for you and can help support you on this journey. So, this podcast is not religious, it’s meant to be inspiring. So, it’s meant to be neutral.


Another thing that’s coming up that can really help in addition to Feng Shui way, is Astrology. Charissa says that there’s certain times of the year when Mercury’s in retrograde, where it’s not really a good time to start new projects, or to sign contracts. A lot of times during when Mercury is in retrograde, this is a time to finish up things to clean up your life to clear out what no longer serves you. And Marie Condon has a great book on this. Mercury’s in retrograde, is like you want to really look inward and take that time to finish things. It’s for completion, but to not sign new contracts, not start a new business that is for after retrograde.


And Charissa’s birth date is an eight, which means learning about abundance. And she think that maybe that is why she wanted to do this podcast on Zen success, because she love helping people, have more joy, have a great relationship, live their dreams, and also make more money in their lives so that they’ll be comfortable and not stressed about life and how they’re going to get food on the table. She just really loves igniting people’s success. And that’s that is her life path as an eight.



Meditation gets you to drop into the zero point field, the unified consciousness of all that is, and you can get divine inspiration. That’s where a lot of my ideas come in. And sometimes maybe your ideas come in during the shower or when you’re on a walk in nature. Think about where inspiration happens for you and give yourself that self-care. Prioritize yourself because then you can be in alignment and take divine right action when the time is right. Timing of things is also important because maybe at the same time that you’re thinking about them, they’re thinking about you. That is a part of the collective consciousness, that’s part of our own psychic abilities that are being activated in us. Meditation is a powerful tool, to get you to just drop in to that unified field, where you can manifest anything you’d like, and visualizing what you want to achieve.

So taking this goal that you have and putting it into your meditation, that’s what Charissa do with her clients. So after she removes the blocks, she then fills that space in with their dream. She put them right there in the dream, because how to move from force to flow with your goals is you want to align with it, you want to vibrate at the same energy. And so meditation is a great tool for bringing in abundance. Charissa know sometimes when she work with her clients on abundance, She like to first start off with healing the blocks, sometimes you’ll see patterns from their parents on never having enough. And Charissa actually had that pattern, too, with her dad, but not with her mom. So she had kind of conflicting money stories with her parents, which just all wonderful, everybody has their own unique story and pattern.



So there are so many things to take into consideration. Charissa is encouraging you every day to take that time, meditate, breathe, be with yourself and allow the magnificence of who you are to flow through your being. Let your heart expand with what’s possible. And may you move from force to flow and have your own Zen success.

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